5 Steps of Writing a Topic in English

5 Steps of how to write a topic in English

English is a language. It’s not subject to memorize and write in Exam Hall. So if we write an English daily minimum of 300 words, it will be a great learning process rather than learning given a certain time.

Though we have to give some specific time for practicing to learn how to write in English correctly on a topic, you have to write something that you like or feel comfortable to write on a daily basis.

Daily we visit many websites as well as many social media accounts, read the content, watch the video and sometimes we comment also but from today, we have to comment on social media and write in any post trying in English whether it is right or wrong. It doesn’t matter what is going on and what people are thinking about us.

For example, let’s start by writing about “Yourself”. As I am telling you about yourself and this yourself will be myself from your point of view.

5 Steps of Writing a Topic in English

1. Brainstorming :

Before starting to write, think the first time on what topics you should write (Such as your profession, hobby, favorites games, person, place …..etc, your family, aim/goal, etc)

2. Write based on outline:

Writing should be para by para by the specific topic, not all sentences in a para. It will make a hazard situation to read and kill the attention of the visitors/readers.

3. Review and make a correction:

Try to avoid some unnecessary words or sentences or add some alternative something that you guess will be suitable at the time of the second time reading the writing piece.

4. Word Counting is a matter:

Try to write within 300 words and it will be professional but it’s not mandatory now in the beginning. It is not fixed but you should try to write as much as you can in a rational and reasonable way.

5. Publish:

At last, publish your writing content on your website or you can post in any social media what you use. 

Or you can publish your writing here in medium on a daily basis if you get time to write every day by opening an account here in our blog. 

Following these 5 Steps of Writing a Topic in English, anyone can be an expert in English Writing Skills.

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